Studenterhuset slår dørene op til et stort loppemarked, der fylder hele huset med stande
Udover at det er bæredygtigt at sælge sine brugte ting og tøj videre og dermed forlænge deres levetid, så sørger Studenterhuset altid for, at det overskudstøj, der ikke bliver solgt på lokkemarkedet, og som sælgerne ikke vil have med hjem igen, bliver givet videre til velgørenhed.
Alle studerende kan købe en stand, hvor de kan sælge deres tøj og ting videre i stedet for at smide det ud. Du skal blot huske at medbringe dit studiekort.
En stand måler ca. 1,5 m x 1 m, og der medfølger et bord pr stand. Vi har stande placeret forskellige steder i huset – se plantegning og priser her på siden. Du kan også leje tøjstativ (vi har i alt 45 styk, så det er først-til-mølle). Husk at medbringe dine egne bøjler.
Loppemarkedet starter kl.11, og du vil have adgang til din stand fra kl.10. Bemærk at det IKKE er muligt at parkere ved Studenterhuset og læsse ting af.
Det er ikke tilladt at sælge hjemmelavet produkter eller videresælg nye varer. Betaling for stand refunderes ikke!
PRISER PR STAND (Stærke priser frem til sommer)
A 185 kr.
B 150 kr.
C 125 kr.
D 125 kr.
Tøjstativ 50 kr.
Information about Studenterhuset’s Flea market and our terms and conditions for buying a stand
The flea market takes place on the first Sunday of every month at Studenterhuset, Købmagergade 52, 1150 Kbh K from 11.00 – 16.00.
You can set up your stand from 10.00 in the morning, when we open, and then the flea market opens for customers from 11.00.
Please note that you can’t park your car in front of Studenterhuset to unload your stuff.
To buy a stand at Studenterhuset’s flea market you need to be a student. It doesn’t matter where you stydy, as long as you can show us a valid student ID on the day. It’s also perfectly fine if you bring a friend with you to share your stand, as long as one of you are a student.
Vending of homemade products and resale of new goods is not permitted. Vending of such goods is liable to e.g. VAT and requires preliminary registration with SKAT (the Danish taxation authority) among others.
Ticket to the flea market
Your ticket to the flea market is the receipt that you will receive in an email once the purchase is completed.
Please note that you must print and bring the receipt for the flea market or show it on your phone, when we ask for it. The receipt contains all specific details about your stand(s)
If you for some reason are unable to participate in the event, it is permissible to pass on the ticket to a friend. However, this person must also be a student. The person is required to notify us about this at the event.
Lost ticket
If you lose your ticket before the event, please contact info@studenterhuset.com in order to get your ticket resent.
Studenterhuset takes no responsibility for issues concerning duplication or resale of tickets.
Tickets for the flea market will only be reimbursed if the flea market in question is cancelled.
All stands are marked with tape on the floor, you cannot change this set-up. All details about your stand(s) are written on your receipt.
You can bring your stuff to Studenterhuset from 10.00 and prepare your stand(s), and we open the doors for the customers from 11.00, and we close at 16.00.
There are tables around the house that you can borrow. Please note that there is a limit of 1 table per stand.
You are more than welcome to bring tables and a rack etc., but it is very important that you take them with you when you leave. There is only room for one rack per stand! Please note that we have 45 racks up for rent at each flea market! Remember to bring your own hangers.
Remember to bring change – you cannot get change at the bar.
Studenterhuset has made an arrangement with Kirkens Korshær, and they collect clothes, shoes and bags, if you want to donate yours by the end of the day. Ask for a plastic bag in the bar.
Please note that you can only donate clothes, shoes and bags. Tie a knot on the bag and place it in area F (the Platform). Follow the arrows.
It would be a big help if you could remove the tape markings on the floor by your stand(s), put the table back in place and place your rented rack in area F (the Platform), and remember to take your own racks, tables etc. with you when you leave.
Through away your garbage, and bring your cups, bottles etc. to the bar.
Terms of agreement
The purchase is subject to common Danish law practice. The agreement is not binding for both parts, before Studenterhuset has recieved and registered the payment.
Note that since you’re buying a ticket to participate in the flea market, the purchase isn’t subject to the right of cancellation (see below).
Ticket purchase
In order to buy one or more stands at Studenterhuset’s flea market you have to do the following:
- Choose the number of stands, you wish to book, and rent clothing racks for each specific stand if you wish to.
- Fill in your personal details
- Accept terms and conditions for purchase
- Please double check that all your info is correct
- Pick your mode of payment
- Approve the purchase
Your reciept will now be visible on the screen, and within few minutes, you will recieve it via email. Note that you have to print and bring this reciept on the day of the actual flea market or you can show the reciept on your phone. The reciept is your admittance ticket on the day, and contains all the specific details about your booked stands. Remember that you must bring your student ID too on the day.
The terms of purchase are subject to common Danish law practise. According to “Lov om visse forbrugeraftaler § 18 stk. 2 nr. 12” ticket purchases aren’t covered by the cancellation rights.
If you haven’t recieved your reciept as an email within 24 hours, please do the following: Check that you have written the correct email address and that the ticket purchase was properly finalized. If you can’t find the problem here, check if your spam filter has stopped the email with the reciept by error.
If you still haven’t recieved the email, write toloppemarked@studenterhuset.com
You can pay for your purchase with Dankort, Visa, Diners Club, Mastercard. All communication between you and Studenterhuset.com are encrypted .This means that no one else can see your card informations. Your card informations are sent directly to PBS, and Studenterhuset does not save the informations.
Reciepts and tickets
The reciept are your ticket of admittance to that specific flea marked and the specific stand(s) you’ve booked. The ticket is only valid for this flea marked, and must therefor not be copied or attempted to be used for more than one occasion in any other ways.
If you’re prevented from participating in an event, you can pass your ticket on to a friend. This person must however also be a student.
It is not permitted to sell homemade products or previously unowned items at Studenterhuset’s flea market. Selling items like this is subject to VAT and required pre-registering with SKAT etc. Therefore it’s not allowed at the flea market.
You will recieve an instruction for participating in the flea market and a rules set alongside your reciept.
Loss of ticket
If you lose your ticket before the flea market, send an email to loppemarked@studenterhuset.com, then we’ll send you the reciept email again.
Studenterhuset has no liabiliy regarding problems that stems from copying or transfering the ticket.
Purchased tickets are only refunded in the event of a cancellation of the specific flea market.
Note that according to “Lov om visse forbrugeraftaler § 18 stk. 2 nr. 12” ticket purchases aren’t covered by the cancellation rights.
An event is cancelled if the flea market isn’t happening. Changes in the dates, partial completion of the flea market etc. is therefor not a cancellation and doesn’t result in a refund of the money.
Studenterhuset reserve the right to cancel already sold tickets against refunding the tickets price.
Studenterhuset are not liable for errors regarding informations about prices and for sold out flea markets.
Studenterhuset reserves the right to change the area plan and assignment of stands.